About the Peralta Parent-Teacher Group (PPTG)
Our elementary school is more than its buildings, gardens and murals. It is a community of people with shared interest in the health and education of children. And the success of our school centers partly on vitality of the Peralta Parent Teacher Group, which continues a legacy of over 125 years of parental involvement at the school site. What is the PPTG?
Incorporated formally 1971, the PPTG is a group of parents and teachers that work together to raise funds, provide programs, and make decisions that affect everyone at the school.
Like “PTAs” at other schools, the PPTG meets monthly, follows a pre-published agenda, takes votes and gets things done. Anyone can speak at a meeting. All voices are welcomed because every parent at Peralta is a member of the PPTG. The PPTG is YOU, and you will vote to select the PPTG leadership.
How do you get involved?
Attending monthly meetings is the best way to have a say on the activities and programs and fundraisers that the PPTG sponsors and conducts. We recommend that parents take a moment to look at the PPTG meeting schedule and put it on their home or computer calendars.
You do not need to attend meetings to be active, involved and helpful. School activities and parent roles happen on all days of the week and at all times of day throughout the school year and even in the summer. Please read school communications to find out where you can help out and see the complete description of PPTG roles here.
PPTG Leadership
The Peralta Parent Teacher Group Leadership Council (“The LC”) is composed of the Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Volunteer Co-Chair and various Co-Chairs. The group meets monthly during the school year to discuss issues and topics coming before the wider PPTG. This group makes the agenda and organizes and facilitates the monthly PPTG meetings. Each member acts as point person for an area of responsibility and participates in long-range school planning and issues that arise. PPTG roles (ideally) involve a 2-year commitment.
Leadership Committee meetings are usually held in LC member homes or by video conference. Minutes are recorded and archived, as is the case for regular PPTG meetings.
PPTG Mission Statement
The Peralta Parent Teacher Group (PPTG) is the supporting arm of Peralta Elementary School in Oakland, California. The PPTG is dedicated to supporting and enriching the education of our children through fundraising, community building, and recruiting and coordinating parent volunteers. The Peralta Community is committed to the development of the whole child. We value a safe, welcoming environment for students to develop high self-esteem, compassion and respect for others, and a love for learning. Our goal is for every child to reach his or her potential as a knowledgeable, caring, responsible citizen who makes contributions to our world and embraces options for their own growth.