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Meeting Minutes

PPTG Meeting Minutes - August 12, 2020


Kristel Weaver-Schoeneman and Drew Amerson, PPTG Chairs returning for third year in that role.  Thank you!

(New principal Dr. Clem says hello, but will plan to attend the next PPTG Meeting instead of this one.)


Garden Committee

Christine Martin 

-Triage to address and ongoing irrigation problem, as well as weeds and overgrowth. 

There is a loose group of parents participating, but there is a lot of work to do and more help is needed.

Please email to volunteer -

-Bee Garden project in honor of Ms. Pam (retired first grade teacher).

-Kindergarten area need planting to start over.

-Fruit trees – Homemade jam for gifts for the teachers, and potential future fundraiser.

-Outreach – Brainstorming ideas about out to connect with the garden even though the kids aren’t on campus.  Check out the Instagram postings – for example, Monarch Week. Also trying to connect with garden groups at other schools to share ideas and potentially apply for grants.

-Curriculum  - Brainstorming ideas for better incorporation, such as harvesting and home projects.

-Seed Library – Idea for collection of seeds from the garden that the kids can package, research, use at home and in the kitchen.


Also working on outdoor classrooms - Sarah Selvidge 

Research and prep for outdoor classrooms, to potentially return to campus.  Still at an information gathering stage – considering how to bring more kids back to school safer, and allow teachers and students to utilize the garden.  Welcoming more ideas and volunteers.


Room Parents

Mikaela Rabinowitz (

Still looking for Room Parents for about six classes.  Please email if interested.

Generally, the Room Parents check in with the teacher to see what they need – usually either supplies and communications with the classes.  They help organize celebrations throughout the year – help the teacher think through and carry out various plans to support the teacher and communicate with the class parents.


Welcome Parties

Lola Dvorak

Cohosts for welcome parties typically have an incoming kindergartener and also an older kid, so have some depth of knowledge.  Lola has set up about five parties on Zoom at different time slots.  There are also some affinity groups – one for queer families; another for racial justice, that will be more like a working meeting.


Pod Spreadsheet and Community Support Page

There is a PPTG Spreadsheet who are looking for a pod to connect.  You can enter what you are looking for.  Maybe by grade level, or maybe by where you live. 

This is primarily about making a social bubble with other families and trying to swap and help out with childcare and some social time – to perhaps do school together.  The spreadsheet is just a connecting place.  A lot of pods are parent run, though some people are hiring support.  


PPTG is supporting those who may need help hiring someone, scholarship money - confidential on the community support page, which is a place to express a need for help, and also offer help.


Front Porch Project

A family in each class will host pick up and drop off of class materials at the family’s porch.

The use of this is very variable by teacher – some are active, and some are not.

Wear a mask and maintain distancing.  Simply pick up your materials. No need to knock on door or get assistance from the host family.


Peralta Fund

Biggest fundraising drive of the year for money to support our school.

For example, shade structures for outdoor classrooms, and support for music, art, PE, mentors.  As well as the financial support for pod/childcare support.

Goal is to have 80% participation of families donating.

The drive is starting this week, and will continue through the month.


BUDGET FY2020-2021

We need to pass a PPTG Budget; required as a non-profit organization. 

Everyone here is a voting member (unlike PTAs).

(Drew shared the proposed budget on screen for all to review.)


Reminders about our income - Peralta Fund is our biggest source of income.

Due to the impact of the pandemic on our fundraising last school year, we may need to dip into reserves/savings.


With our spending, the focus is on people and staff.

Coach, Music (Eric Swihart, Jill Rogers, Ms. Bonnie – and new teacher, Rhonda Clark, working with kindergarteners).

Note there is no money budgeted to garden because in the past we’ve hired a garden teacher, and we aren’t doing that this year.

Note that there is a separate fund, the Peralta Rising Fund (based on a prior donation), that may be used for structural improvements.  Capital projects (like outdoor classrooms) and technology can be paid for from that fund.

The field trip money will hopefully be utilized in the spring.  It has been popular with parents, and we’d like to continue to support that when it’s possible to have field trips.

Mentors are the classroom aides.  Drew is in touch with teachers to see how aides could be used to help the teachers even in distance learning. They’ll be supporting students, but not on campus, so not as much of an expense.  Kindergarten classes have their own aide; other classes share aides.

Earthquake and disaster preparedness line item ($25K) – the scholarships and community support discussed earlier.  Please help get the word out that this is available.  It could be for childcare, or any support families need, including groceries, rent, etc.  If there are needs, we want to know because we want all kids to feel supported and secure in school.


The Oakland Ed Fund applied for PPP federal support, which got us about $17,000 for paying staff.

The Diversity/Unity program has a lower amount budgeted this year because it is usually used for events on campus.  Last year we supported a Peralta family, and also used it as a donation to the Equity Fund.  Overall, the idea with the proposed budget is that money is going into community support this year (the disaster preparedness community support program).

We will be having a separate fundraiser this year for the Equity Allies organization.  Separate from Peralta Fund and PPTG Budget.


Question – Does the Garden Committee needs at least some money for planting?  (Currently there are zero funds budgeted.)

The committee says they’ve looked into donations in the past, but it would be nice to have a small line item in the budget.

Kristel proposed an amendment to the proposed budget to include $500 dollars for the Garden Committee.  Seconded (Lola).


Question – how is PE funding being used this year?

We fund the position (Coach), but the school (Dr. Clem) decides how to utilize his time.  We know that he has picked up a lot of outreach work, which isn’t PE, but still supporting the school.  We understand Coach will be jumping in to distance meetings for PE instruction with the classes.


Question from Drew - Are we comfortable planning for a $40K loss, when our reserves are about $70K?

Opinions expressed - our estimates of income are conservative on purpose and we may exceed, hard to predict, but important to support the programs we value.  Of any year, this seems to be the year to dip into reserves.  These are emergency circumstances; this is the rainy day.  Enthusiasm for supporting our community and focusing the budget on staff; we need to lean on each other now.


Question – Is there a role for Mr. Daniel in the proposed budget?  Currently no, due to the first-grade teachers not requesting an aide, and communication challenges.  If people are in touch with him, they can see what kind of involvement he may be interested in and explore pod support.


Question – Do we have to decide the budget for the whole year?  Typically we pass a budget at the beginning of a school year.  It’s possible to continue to revisit it.  We could plan to look at it again in December when we know what the spring will look like.


Voting through the chat function of Zoom.  THE BUDGET PASSED.


OEA and OUSD Agreement 

An email went to parents tonight, but it did not share details. We’re not sure about what is in the agreement.


Other Thoughts

Support groups?  Maybe by grade.  Maybe once a month.  Just an open forum for advice.  “Parent Hacks” either to share in helpful ideas and/or share in our frustrations. Maybe the room parents could help with this.  Also keep in mind the Konstella has a group function to speak informally.


There is a IEP/504 group (Raquel Maria Dillon).


Additional parent discussion about how the school year is going.

PPTG Leadership Committee Meeting – July 15, 2020

Welcomes and Introductions

(Drew, Kristel, Ashley, Megan, Lola, Erin, Devin, Jocelyn, Shannon, Lilly)


Budget Update (Drew, with contributions from Erin)

We ended the school year with a loss of $35K from what was predicted

The Auction did better than expected ($25K), but $25K less than expected; and Peralta in Bloom we did not make the anticipated $10K.

Ellen and classroom aides are paid by Oakland Ed Fund, which received PPP support, so we’ll get about $17K back.

There are some other items we cut, like Field Trips and Garden is also cut (we’re waiting to hire a garden teacher).  Not hiring new people, just keeping current people afloat.

In all, this year was not a calamity for our budget.

Money for outdoor classrooms (shade structures) will come from the Peralta Rising Fund (as opposed to the Budget), which has about $50K.

Will probably have another Treasurer meeting prior to the approval of the budget.

Are the mentors going to be more involved in the fall?


Expectations of Mentors – (group discussion)

Hope they can contribute to the classes.  What should we be asking of them if we’re keeping them employed in the fall?

Can they do small group meetings without the teacher present, we think so. 

(As a reminder, the Oakland Ed Fund hires them and clears them for being with students, but we pay for them.)

We can put it to the teachers – we really want our aides utilized, so how can they help.  Ideally we’d set the expectation of work, but let the teachers set the work.

It’s $104K to keep them on, a significant chunk of the budget, but no objections to keeping them on.


Grant Proposal from 4th-Grade Teacher Ana Thomas

Recruit black and brown students to talk about learning styles, and exploring options for hands-on learning (when we have outdoor options).

Drew has a meeting with Ms. Ana tomorrow to learn more.

She is seeking $50K in the grant.

Drew wants to tell her PPTG will be the non-profit organization sponsor, and that we will match the first $5.

No objections to telling Ms. Ana that we will sponsor the project, as the place where money can be donated.  And we’ll anticipate that Ms. Ana may present at the next PPTG meeting.


Mentor Plans and “House Parties” – in lieu of Welcome Dinner (Ashley and Lola)

Pair people up with mentor families.

And do family photos – Ashley is scheduling times for families to meet photographers at the school or the photographer homes.

Questions in the survey for comments, like if seeking friends or guidance about school.

Suggestion to send it around again.


Instead of the Colby Park playdates, we’re going to have Zoom get-togethers. (Susie is organizing.)

Similarly, the welcomes house parties will be by Zoom.  Focused on parents. (Lola is organizing.)

We’re going to have affinity groups again, like we did before (queer families, interest in racial justice).

Goal is to help get people connected.  BYOSnacks.

Currently, we don’t have any way of contacting the new families because of an access issue with OUSD.


Garden (Devin)

How can we make the outdoor space better for outdoor construction.

Shade.  Christine has been measuring and considering where we might need poles to be able to set up shades.

A survey out to the teachers to see what PPTG and Garden can do.

Concerns that came back are disruption from recess and other classes, and the sun.

Consider other budget items (picnic tables, whiteboards) because we think the parents will support funding that.

Christine has been making jam from the Peralta plums – considering as a welcome present for new families.

The committee has been watering everything by hand (by hose) because the irrigation system has a leak.



Drew has been approached by several people to explore what we can do, if anything to support pods.

A lot of people are grouping up in social pods.  

Would it make sense to for the PPTG to try to help people interested in forming social bubbles?

Kristel mentioned that people would appreciate maybe the grade level doing the same thing curriculum-wise.

We’re also requesting an earlier posting of the class lists.

Perhaps we can simply encourage the parents that there will be more information coming.

We don’t have information yet about after-school program. (Currently they are looking for online ways that they can support students.)

Are there ways to financially support pods who may need to hire someone?  A mutual aid model?


Any other ideas for how to help keep the community together?

Last year’s programs that worked – computers, the porch drop offs, the connectivity for teachers.

There are efforts to reach out to the 10 families that did not have internet connectivity.  The aids could also help with this.

Note – new support, new administrative support starting on August 3, with Shirley (Dr. Clem), new principal.

PPTG Meeting September 4, 2019


Garden Day (new name) - New team of parents leading the garden this year.

Continuing with the ideas of stewardship with the kids; helping parents understand what is going on with the garden; focusing on a little more structure this year so there may be a little more guidance of how you can help if you come; remember you can come for any portion of the time period.

Second Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Livescan fingerprinting for volunteering approval required by OUSD is happening at Garden Day.  Bring ID and $37 (scholarships available upon request).  Ms. Hendrie will check on the list of clearance to see if anyone’s approval has expired.

Brewing Community - Free Coffee first and third Fridays (8:45 p.m. - 9:15 a.m.).  This year it will be in one location, at 63rd Streetlocation.

Paint the Town mural painting at Ayala and Martin by neighbors (not a PPTG event).  Work day - Saturday, September 21.

Picture Day - Roots and Shoots is online, need to order by September 20.

Walk and Roll to School Day - Friday, September 13

Welcoming Dinner - Saturday, September 21 (4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.)

Everyone is welcome to join for school-wide potluck.

Professional Development Day - School Closed on September 27.

PEACE will be open (new system this year - it will definitely be open instead of waiting to see if enough kids).

Book Fair - Need parent volunteers to sign up to help run the cash registers.

Peralta Fund 

This is our biggest fundraising vehicle of the year. Brings in 2/3 of the PPTG budget to support of the variety of things that make Peralta succeed.  Seeking 80% participation of families donating by September 27, in part because helps us qualify for certain grants.  Email went out today explaining how to donate.

We’re also encouraging donations to either Sankofa PTA and/or the Equity Fund, with a goal of a total raise of $15K by the end of the year - “Equity Drive” link when donating online.  An important source of funding is through corporate matching by parents’ employers.

School Site Council 

We have membership turnover based on two-year terms.  Thank you to the ones who have finished.  We also need to fill a District Council for District 1.  Anyone who feels like the District’s finances are opaque, this is an oversight role with voting abilities and visibility into data and important issues.  It is a significant commitment (a few meetings a month).  See parent Bobby Daves or Ms. Hendrie if interested.


Guest Speaker - Ms. Hendrie

The School Site Council has parents and teachers, principal, and staff member.  Ensures that we are using the schools funds appropriately for the goals that we have.

Group activity - discuss with partner about “what is the state of the school?”

Audience contributions - 

Ms. Ana - very grateful and thankful for the support; the PPTG contributions to teachers doubled this year, and it really helps.

Ken - reading partners with kids who are identified as needing extra help; wake up call working with students at Sankofa and Emerson very close by is a good reminder at how well things are working here.

Ms. Hendrie - there is a lot happening here that is not typical at other schools in OUSD, so I want to highlight the riches.  Peralta is in a really good place, and also room for growth.

Presentation (Giselle’s Power Point slides):

Mission, Vision, and Values

Building a School Community

SBAC results from last year

Goals for this year

Mission - OUSD - build a full service community focused on high academic achievement while serving the whole child, eliminating inequality, and providing each child with excellent teachers every day

Vision - joy, skills, competent, critical thinkers, prepared for college, career and community success

Are we accomplishing this at Peralta?  yes, i think so

Core Values from OUSD - Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness, Joy

Every year we ground ourselves in this, and have this lead our work.  

Graduate Profile 

OUSD Instructional Focus - Ms. Hendrie and teachers continue to participate in continuing education

Network 2 - a division of OUSD schools; a mix of schools with high success and  those struggling

Peralta also has a Mission and Vision - 

Highest standards, arts integration, habits of mind approach

Growth mindset, self esteem and confidence, problem solving

It is a big mission and vision, but it is how we guide our work and approach teaching your children.

Peralta’s Graduate Profile - 

Think about the changes that you have experienced over the past twenty years, and we realize we don’t know the future that our students will enter to be adults.  This is why we focus on creative, critical, thinking; collective communication; value in stewardship.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) - school-wide expectations 

Every kid needs a champion (TED video - Rita Pierson)

Students need adults in their lives and on campus who champion them.

This is driving the pillars of our focus - social and emotional learning happening consistently throughout the campus (equity centered and culturally responsive)

Caring School Community - we are one of a cohort of schools using this type of curriculum.  Developing autonomy in students, student voice, a feeling of belonging.

The notion of response to intervention.  Meet needs of 100% of students.  80% get needs met with classroom teacher.  Another 15% met by interventions; and 5% with intense one-on-one support.

Ms. Hendrie has focused on improving that middle ground, second tier.

Developing a student support manager.

Bringing mental health interns (5).

PPTG funds instructional aides.

This year we have an aide in third and fourth grades, in addition to the younger grades.

After School tutoring.

Community referrals.

Student success team.

504 plans.

IEP (Individual Instructional Plans)

Arts Integrated Instructional Team

How culture impacts students’ learning.  This is about how kids communicate, understand each other, eye contact, body language - understanding what students are bringing to school.  Book - Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain.  Productive struggle, independent learning, growth mindset.  Learning how the brain impacts learning.

What are we basing this on?  Data.

High level results from the last five years.

Enrollment - 325.

Data based on racial demographics.

SBAC results - faculty will be digging in to understand increases in high scores but also in the proportion of students approaching achievement.

Biggest achievement gap, opportunity gap with our African American students, which is about 15% of our population - that does not sit well with me, so that is partly what we are reading about and strategizing how to address.

We have increased the number of African American students succeeding and reduced the number not achieving (moving them into the category of approaching standards).

The strategies for students who struggle meet the needs of ALL students.

Specific strategies for language and math, with goals for both of 90% proficiency for all students.

We understand that our students come from all kinds of contexts, but we fully control what happens here on campus, and truly believe can make a difference for all students.

Given that the numbers are so small, how significant is the data?

It gives us a sense of trends. And it allows us to know the specific students in question who need support.

How do you do assessments throughout the year?

We do benchmark assessments in the fall and the spring.

How do we help the kids with dealing with the things that are targeted to them with racism and sexism?

In the upper grades they can address that more directly, and in the younger grades are more focused on tolerance and appreciation for the broad spectrum of beauty in the class (self portraits, for example).

How does the PBIS work? And is that part of PEACE?

Developed it the past few years in partnership with PEACE.  Sherice participates in monthly staff meeting.

Blueprint Update

Recommendation last week to merge Kaiser and Sankofa on Sankofa campus.

There has been one public meeting.  The final recommendation will be this week.  We will probably find out on Friday.  Then it will be voted on at the School Board meeting next Wednesday.



PPTG Mtg. Minutes

PPTG Meeting – March 6, 2019


Thank you to Ellen for the meal tonight.

Rock and Roll to school – this Friday, March 8.

Garden Workday – Second Grade – this weekend, Saturday, March 9, 9:00-1:00.  Rain or Shine!

Brewing Community – next week, March 15.

Minimum Days – March 12-15.

The scheduling of parent-teacher conferences are going to vary, depending on teacher, because of the strike.  Some will be before Spring Break, some after.

Next PPTG Meeting – April 3.


Coming up in ten short days – Saturday, March 16!

Emails started, and expect a lot more emails about it as we try to catch up on marketing post-strike.

We really need volunteers!  Currently, the Bar is full, but that’s it.  Please sign up in the google document in your email.

If you volunteer for a shift, you get a free admission ticket AND a free raffle ticket for the beer, wine, or tickets to Disneyland.

Tickets are on sale, and bidding is also open.

Make sure when you sign up, you include phone number so you get texts when outbid and can keep track of what you’re bidding on.

Silent auction is online now and until the end of the auction.  There will be some larger items that will be in the live auction only.

FUNraisers (formerly Pay to Plays) will be online and in-person at the auction – these are events hosted by families and teachers to which people buy attendance for a flat fee.  Teachers host events geared for kids, some parties are for families, and others are for adults.  The events happen throughout the year, and there is still time to volunteer to host one.

There will be an opportunity to support an item for a sister school.

There is a beach theme also campfire with s’mores.

We’re hoping to make $50K – biggest PPTG fundraiser other than the Peralta Fund.


It’s coming!  Saturday, May 4.

After the Auction, we’ll ask for volunteers 

SALAD BAR – it’s still going on, getting the kids to have vegetables, and we still need vegetables.

BUDGET SURVEY – PPTG would like us to take a survey to voice our opinions about how PPTG should set our budget.  Coming in your email.

Thank You Posters – to say thank you to Berkeley schools that adopted Oakland schools during the strike (ours was Rosa Parks), and a thank you for our teachers.

Second Grade Teacher Presentation

Ms. Vollmer and Ms. Colqhoun – Big thank you to the parent community for supporting the teachers during the strike.

Video “Engage and Persist” - skits, pictures, dances

Same theme - Attended play She Persisted and it comes up often in math.

Future of PPTG

Looking to fill leadership positions:

PPTG Chair – looking for a third Chair for next year

Treasurer – looking for two more

Secretary – looking for one more

If you are interested or know anyone, contact the PPTG Chairs.


Giselle went to Sacramento with other principals to influence policy and funding.  Three key issues:

1.      Increasing per student spending

2.      Cancelling remaining debt ($100 million)

3.      Reviewing the law governing charter schools


Proposal in the audience for a subgroup to address endorsements on political issues.

Questions about legality of this as a 501c organization, as well as concerns about inclusiveness versus divisions within the group.

Suggestions that more information about school board members and education issues (short of endorsements).

Perhaps a working group on engagement, particularly regarding school funding.  Parents can start doing that (no need to pass a “motion.”)


Impact of $20 million cuts?  We expect that Giselle will face cuts, but we don’t yet know how much it will be.

Probably an additional $18K (which is on top of a $20K cut from last year).


Two of our employees are OEA members, so they will be getting increases.

We will need to consider of the non-union members should be making increases.


We will be talking about these issues at the next PPTG Meeting.


Navigating Special Education

Ashley Dawn - Special Education has been underfunded, and it falls to the parents to advocate for identification of issues, as well for getting necessary services.

All students are entitles to free and appropriate education, which includes necessary accommodations.

Because our school is small, it can be hard for our students to get services because there aren’t full-time special education teachers here.


DREDF (Anne) – Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund

DREDF is a California Parent Training and Information (PTI) Center and Community Parent Resource Center (CPRC).

Organization near Ashby BART that helps parents navigate the Special Education system.

National law and policy organization working in disability rights movement since the 1970s.

There are attorneys and advocates to assist with parent education.

Congress recognized that parents may have difficulty navigating the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), which led to PTIs and CPRCs.

(Extended discussion regarding student rights and processes.)

PPTG has copies of DREDF’s handouts, which has helpful links for families and educators.

* * *

Leadership Committee Minutes, February 2019:

·         Budget priorities survey

o   Met a statistician and explained what the goals are

o   Bring 300k in; spend 230K in salary

o   Leaves 55k to spend on other things

o   How important should it to be for the school questions?

o   Change the options on race question to let people select multiple races

o   Keep capital expenses survey as a separate section from the operating expenses survey


·         Budget actuals

o   Book fair – spring one doesn’t make money since it is BOGO

o   A little bit of profit from book fair


·         Auction Update

o   Some things stalled because of the strike (like wine collection, we have 24 wine bottles)

o   Photo booth will be set up (renting a selfie stand)

o   Working out details on raffle tickets 

o   Raffle tickets will be offered at the auction / not at school

o   Launching online ticket sales

o   A program to acknowledge volunteers

o   Amy is doing catering

o   At the same location as, last year – Humanist hall

o   Good with permits

o   Childcare will remain parents / guardian’s option

o   Teachers Wishlist – simplified for one per teacher

o   Equity fund – opportunity to donate while purchasing tickets

o   Sign up sheets will be there for pay to plays

o   Email should go through room parents; peralta community; PPTG chair and peralta news


·         Peralta in Bloom

o   Ask for volunteers in Peralta news 

o   Bigger push post auction

o   Met with David – who volunteered to do a lot of set up this year

o   Skeleton of events

o   Pamela is working on sponsorships

o   Looking for grill volunteers

o   Ask Amy Ortega (Would you be willing or know someone?)

o   Check PPTG closet – ask Ms. Hendrie


·         Strike Update

o   10% was offered today

o   OUSD will meet to see what budget cuts can be done to satisfy 10%

o   Strike continues into 6th day


·         Solidarity Schools & Kinder aides

o   20 kids at Bushrod center to start; then up to 65; and then down to 30

o   No aides at Bushrod today

o   Musically minded had 65 kids today

o   Aides were asked to help at both places

o   Requests for more help and volunteers

o   Kids from Peralta; Sankofa; Kaiser, etc. Many conflicts between kids

o   Oakland Tech volunteers coming in to help

o   Mr. Daniel will remain at Musically minded

o   We will pay aides if OEA signs off on paying aides

o   Oakland public ed fund – are they paying aides?


·         March PPTG agenda

o   Check with OEA rep if it will be okay to have a meeting at after hours in school?

o   If yes, have the PPTG meeting

Nov 2018 PPTG Meeting Minutes

Adults: 30
Dinner by Ms. Ellen and 5th grade students

Stephen Bloom - $1000 check.

Make up picture day - November 8th

Brewing community - 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month

Garden work day - November 10th (Canceled due to bad air quality)
Composting workshop by resident parent this Saturday

Walkathon report

-Headed by Scotia Miller
-Went great
-237 registered walkers
-Over $35k raised
-Funds can still be turned in; put in PPTG box in the office; Crowdrise site never expires

Salad bar
-Headed by Valerie
-Refrigerator and salad bar was broken
-Now fixed
-Need volunteers from 11 am to 1 pm to prepare and serve salad
-Can ask questions to or


-Headed by Elena Ratto. We now have a chair. Yay!
-Starting an hour early @ 5am 
-1 hour earlier
-Working on logo
-Classroom projects will be starting soon (each classroom works on a project that is donated to the auction )
-E.g. Drawings of different bugs was put on a fabric and sweatshirts were made
-Food - Taco bar
-Theme is endless summer beach party
-Teams are set up
-Procurement will be starting soon
-Anyone who may want to donate or know people who would like to please reach out

Thanksgiving curriculum Ideas: by Lucas
-Group brainstormed ideas
-Talk to teachers and offer to help in educating students more
-Came up with list of books
-Books will cost from $200 to $400 for grades K to 2
-Teachers were eager to get execution materials
-A little concern about parents dictating methods to teach
-Project in progress

-Veterans day
-Minimum days following week for parent-teacher conference
-Closed week of Thanksgiving - PEACE provided the first 2 days of that week

Prospective Families Night 
-Incoming K families or kids for upper grade families transferring here
-Nov 26th 6:30 to 7:30
-Tours will be offered soon 
-Spread the word

No PPTG meeting in December and January

Winter break - Dec 24th to Jan 4th
PEACE will be offered the last 3 days

Next PPTG meeting - first Wednesday of February

5th grade teachers
-Megan Larranaga and Jeff Gaulin

By Ms. Larranaga:
-We plan things together (Math, Science, Literacy, Social studies)
-Think critically and provide evidence to support their ideas
-Analyzing deeply
-Math: fractions and decimals; beginning algebra end of the year
-Collaborate to solve one problem
-Reflect on skills that helped them work together
-Collaborative work in Science - living systems; human body and plant systems
-Chemistry unit on making solutions
-Model of the digestive system
-Work with Ms. Ellen on adding art to the model
-Integrate Math and Science in art time - continue working on that

By Mr. Gaulin:
-How has North America altered so much over the last 500 years 
-Life map (what events shape their life?)
-First step in critical thinking - knowing yourself more
-Starts at birth
-Native American 
-Overlap art and social studies thinking
-Some chose specific tribes (clothing; rituals; etc.)
-Depp dive into native American culture
-Culmination of the unit: Columbus on trial
-Book Ugly - student’s opinion of the word ugly

Ms. Hendrie - 5th grade teachers are amazing

Equity Allies Presentation - parent Rachel Latta
-Involved in organization: Equity Allies
-Working on campaigns to help all students at OUSD
-Current work: campaign on advocacy work on 1840; working on few other bills in the state; implementation of systems in school keeping charter schools on the same planning level as other schools (controversial)
-More long term on proposition K
-Having more communication among all schools
-Equity fund - it’s true all schools are underfunded but we also have people with many resources
-At Peralta - we are one of the top schools in terms of how much parents donate and care
-Recent discussion was at Crocker Highlands: A to Z program (mini grant program) - teacher can apply for $500 to $1000 for field trips, small projects, etc.
-Can we do something more? In East Oakland Pride - they have major challenges. Many do not have access to food. Many kids are from homeless families. They needed a washer / dryer to help kids with clean clothes
-Goal of the equity fund is raining $150k by December 31st. Currently at 22k.
-Identify schools under high stress
-Add more support to schools that need Title 1 funding has a big DONATE button
-Asking individual donations and see if you can raise some money though school fund raising program
-Can PPTG donate to Equity fund?
-Need clear messaging when money is asked on where the money will be going
-Transparency is important when asking money for equity fund
-Also should have conversation about our values and our role towards community
-Summary: general support for Equity Allies; concern on using money collected so far but future opportunity
-Coming towards auction: what can we do for other schools
-In spring; a session on values and role towards community
-Next action item: ask for money through Peralta News; put flier in bag packs

Leadership Committee Overview:
-The PPTG is a 501c3 non-profit
-Questions on how decisions are made; who is on the committee
-Committee: 2 co-chairs; secretaries; treasurers; a facilities and training cochair; finance chair; missing volunteer chair; bucket of vestigial positions; committee relations and advocacy co-chair
-In spring: have elections for these positions
-Leadership committee meetings are open - 3rd Wednesday of the month
-Events folks are usually invited
-Ellie has been representing PRJSG and Ashley as Welcoming Dinner Chair; they both are taking bigger roles and will continue coming



Adults: 30
Dinner by Ms. Ellen and 5th grade students

Stephen Bloom - $1000 check.

Make up picture day - November 8th

Brewing community - 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month

Garden work day - November 10th (Canceled due to bad air quality)
Composting workshop by resident parent this Saturday

Walkathon report

-Headed by Scotia Miller
-Went great
-237 registered walkers
-Over $35k raised
-Funds can still be turned in; put in PPTG box in the office; Crowdrise site never expires

Salad bar
-Headed by Valerie
-Refrigerator and salad bar was broken
-Now fixed
-Need volunteers from 11 am to 1 pm to prepare and serve salad
-Can ask questions to or


-Headed by Elena Ratto. We now have a chair. Yay!
-Starting an hour early @ 5am 
-1 hour earlier
-Working on logo
-Classroom projects will be starting soon (each classroom works on a project that is donated to the auction )
-E.g. Drawings of different bugs was put on a fabric and sweatshirts were made
-Food - Taco bar
-Theme is endless summer beach party
-Teams are set up
-Procurement will be starting soon
-Anyone who may want to donate or know people who would like to please reach out

Thanksgiving curriculum Ideas: by Lucas
-Group brainstormed ideas
-Talk to teachers and offer to help in educating students more
-Came up with list of books
-Books will cost from $200 to $400 for grades K to 2
-Teachers were eager to get execution materials
-A little concern about parents dictating methods to teach
-Project in progress

-Veterans day
-Minimum days following week for parent-teacher conference
-Closed week of Thanksgiving - PEACE provided the first 2 days of that week

Prospective Families Night 
-Incoming K families or kids for upper grade families transferring here
-Nov 26th 6:30 to 7:30
-Tours will be offered soon 
-Spread the word

No PPTG meeting in December and January

Winter break - Dec 24th to Jan 4th
PEACE will be offered the last 3 days

Next PPTG meeting - first Wednesday of February

5th grade teachers
-Megan Larranaga and Jeff Gaulin

By Ms. Larranaga:
-We plan things together (Math, Science, Literacy, Social studies)
-Think critically and provide evidence to support their ideas
-Analyzing deeply
-Math: fractions and decimals; beginning algebra end of the year
-Collaborate to solve one problem
-Reflect on skills that helped them work together
-Collaborative work in Science - living systems; human body and plant systems
-Chemistry unit on making solutions
-Model of the digestive system
-Work with Ms. Ellen on adding art to the model
-Integrate Math and Science in art time - continue working on that

By Mr. Gaulin:
-How has North America altered so much over the last 500 years 
-Life map (what events shape their life?)
-First step in critical thinking - knowing yourself more
-Starts at birth
-Native American 
-Overlap art and social studies thinking
-Some chose specific tribes (clothing; rituals; etc.)
-Depp dive into native American culture
-Culmination of the unit: Columbus on trial
-Book Ugly - student’s opinion of the word ugly

Ms. Hendrie - 5th grade teachers are amazing

Equity Allies Presentation - parent Rachel Latta
-Involved in organization: Equity Allies
-Working on campaigns to help all students at OUSD
-Current work: campaign on advocacy work on 1840; working on few other bills in the state; implementation of systems in school keeping charter schools on the same planning level as other schools (controversial)
-More long term on proposition K
-Having more communication among all schools
-Equity fund - it’s true all schools are underfunded but we also have people with many resources
-At Peralta - we are one of the top schools in terms of how much parents donate and care
-Recent discussion was at Crocker Highlands: A to Z program (mini grant program) - teacher can apply for $500 to $1000 for field trips, small projects, etc.
-Can we do something more? In East Oakland Pride - they have major challenges. Many do not have access to food. Many kids are from homeless families. They needed a washer / dryer to help kids with clean clothes
-Goal of the equity fund is raining $150k by December 31st. Currently at 22k.
-Identify schools under high stress
-Add more support to schools that need Title 1 funding has a big DONATE button
-Asking individual donations and see if you can raise some money though school fund raising program
-Can PPTG donate to Equity fund?
-Need clear messaging when money is asked on where the money will be going
-Transparency is important when asking money for equity fund
-Also should have conversation about our values and our role towards community
-Summary: general support for Equity Allies; concern on using money collected so far but future opportunity
-Coming towards auction: what can we do for other schools
-In spring; a session on values and role towards community
-Next action item: ask for money through Peralta News; put flier in bag packs

Leadership Committee Overview:
-The PPTG is a 501c3 non-profit
-Questions on how decisions are made; who is on the committee
-Committee: 2 co-chairs; secretaries; treasurers; a facilities and training cochair; finance chair; missing volunteer chair; bucket of vestigial positions; committee relations and advocacy co-chair
-In spring: have elections for these positions
-Leadership committee meetings are open - 3rd Wednesday of the month
-Events folks are usually invited
-Ellie has been representing PRJSG and Ashley as Welcoming Dinner Chair; they both are taking bigger roles and will continue coming



* * *

PPTG Leadership Committee Meeting, October 17, 2018
Kristel, Drew, Paolomee, Megan, Ashley, Chris, Ellie, Elena, Scotia, Bernie

Elena Ratto is here to lead!

Large procurement team is set up, and a lot of volunteer roles are filled.

(Pamela Waxman is running sponsorships, school-wide, Auction included.)

Elena’s background is that she does VIP ticketing for the SF Ballet, so she is familiar with their Gala (experience with event planning).

Procurement Team has already met, and has another meeting on Nov. 1.

Addressing some problems from last year - software and day-of stress.

Theme - Endless Summer Beach Party (more “California” than the prior “luau” announcement).

Shifting an hour earlier - 5:00-9:00.

Getting auction items live on the silent auction earlier.

No need to have gift certificates on display, physically.

Lights up a little more to support bidding and checking out.

Get a coordinator for the full day instead of the college volunteers.

Erin interviewed a manager who would work on database on the day-of, and monthly check-in with the team.

Researching software options - maybe Network for Good.

Ashley - survey and her own thoughts - conveyed to Elena.

Giselle is reaching out to the Sankofa principal to see if there is a specific need - infrastructure or equipment - that could be in an item in our Auction.

Equity Fund - talk of optional donation opportunity in our Auction, so that parents could choose to give money to the Equity Fund (as opposed to pulling money from the general Auction earnings).

Equity Fund
Ellie explained this non-profit - grants to try to balance the differences between the high-fundraising Oakland schools versus the schools that don’t raise at all. Goal to build longer relationships that could continue year-to-year, to make it easier to receive the grants (easier than the A to Z Fund, for example). The money does not go to charter schools.

Rachel Latta would like to speak about the Equity Fund at the next PPTG meeting.


So far, about $32,000 earned on Sunday’s event.

CrowdRise site will be open through October.

Sno-Kone and Bake Sale did great.

Survey - ideas for alternatives to plastic toys? Think about how to stagger the Sno-Kone to not have as long a line.

Volunteers were great - people showed up day of.

Scotia is willing to do it again next year, but she thinks it would go better with a co-chair. At least someone who on the day-of is designated to deal with issues.

Scotia thinks we should consider different software.

One more announcement in the Peralta News that site will be open.

Upcoming Events

Middle School Night - Oct. 25 (Kristel, Emma)

Pumpkin Patch (Ashley)

Kindergarten Open House and Tours - first tour is November 10 (Ellie and Kristel)

“Start Dialog” Event Idea - Tarah Fleming workshop related to race, identity, equity (Ashley) - not sure yet if it’s a PPTG event, or it’s own separate event. Maybe January or February. RJSG will talk more about deciding what to spend money on and whether this is an option.

LC Structure - discussion about a potential Community Outreach/Inreach Co-Chair designation for Ellie and Ashley. Considering the name and function, and plan to propose to the PPTG. Are there other roles to formally bring into the LC?



Drew, Kristel, Megan, Lolo, Ashley, Ellie, Paolomee, Chris M., Greg L.

Welcoming Dinner:

September 15, 2018, 4:00 p.m.

Planning Meeting? Next week TBD with Ashley, Paolomee, Ellie (was on August 22, but might be changed because of Ms. Osmond’s separate, conflicting back to school night)

Kristel submitted a facilities form, which triggers requesting James to be a custodian for the event (probably 2:00-9:00).

Kristel will tell Charlzetta that the planning group will be leaving things on the school grounds on the Friday ahead of time.

Budget for the event is from the RJSG line on the PPTG budget.  The LC doesn’t want to micromanage how the RJSG money is spent, so it’s up to the group to decide what to spend on and what to spread out for the rest of the year.

This year we’ll have a parent photographer.

Ashley has reached out to Samara to repeat the dance program, but if that doesn’t work, we could ask Paula or someone else at Destiny Arts.

For paper plates, can email Joy Gray, Quartermaster.  Ashley will check the existing supply this weekend during Garden Work Day.


The email for getting announcements that go out to the school community (usually the deadline is Thursday night for Friday’s email) - Send to:

Raquel Maria Dillon will be working on communications, with Wendy Taubler.

(Pamela Waxman is going to focus on sponsorships instead of communications.)

Staffing Updates:

Carmen, new front desk administrative support, is working out well.

Cory, instructional support, is leaving, which may lead to some shifting roles and hours among staff, but PPTG won’t be paying more.

Will Smith, our new gardener, will not be there for the first Garden Work Day.


Giselle met with Garden Coordinators (Suzanne, Christa), who are trying to get better support from the parents.

Ideas - try to get a “garden parent” from each class; promote stewardship aspect, we all need to chip in; get good attendance at the first one to get momentum; perhaps assign different areas of the garden to different classes.

Are Sundays better than Saturdays?  We can propose to the Garden Coordinators.

Combine with the Brewing group?

Question of whether we could have skateboarding during Garden Work Day?  We are waiting on answers from our insurance provider.  And there are questions of whether it would help or harm Garden Work Day.

Feedback on Incoming Events:

-Orientation (Saturday August 11, morning)

    -maybe next time if we want more current parents, or LC folks, invite them

    -or it’s also fine to not overwhelm people, and just cover the basics

    -maybe we should make next year’s first Garden Work Day during that initial orientation to demonstrate the involvement in the garden

-Class List Posting at Colby Park (Sunday August 12, 4:00-6:00 p.m.)

    -people enjoyed it outside 

-Welcome Packets

    -many didn’t get them, so we need to work on the messaging to the staff for next year (because they weren’t handed out - it was optional and it wasn’t clear that people should take it)

-next year have parent volunteers facilitate at registration (this year, we didn’t get enough volunteers and/or people had conflicts)

    -Let’s take all the extras and give them out at Back to School Night

    -And we’d like to have more parent volunteers at the registration to figure out

    -New Plan:  Give out the extras at Back to School Night, but get the Peralta Fund forms out ASAP (Lolo to work on this)



Forms to Paolomee, who will input new families prior to Back to School Night

Vivek is helping with Google Groups

Proposal to reconsider what Vivek presented at the end of last school year about an alternative software program that could make certain things easier.


Back to School Night:

Peralta Fund - working on correcting the mistake with the handouts that were supposed to go out at registration, so people get that info.

Fund Spokespeople - Lolo working to have someone for each class.

Megan will be the point person for the spokespeople to meet and get their talking points and PPTG checks for the people.  Greg will give Megan the checks in the PPTG mailbox.  Lolo will give Megan the list of speakers.


Fingerprinting this Saturday (during Garden Work Day):

Megan and Kristel will volunteer 10:00 - 1:00


PPTG Volunteer Fair:

September 5, 2018

Each group will speak about their group.



We really need an Auction Chair.

Strategy for the Volunteer Fair - Get Stacy and Peter’s chart of division of labor and talk to people ahead of time to see if we can fill in their names, so that it shows that many key roles are filled.


Field Trip Funding:

Ask the teachers about their field trip plans for planning purposes.

Continued plan from last year to focus on parent drivers instead of buses (the cost saving measure implemented last year) - all the more reason to make sure parents are doing the fingerpringing

Other Business:

Annual filing of information with the CA Secretary of State - Drew to ask Suzy

GSuite Account - Drew will follow up, and ask Christa

Oakland Ed Fund - Greg and Drew following up


Next LC Meeting:

Megan’s House - 482 58th Street

September 19



July 2018 LC Meeting Minutes

PPTG chairs: Kristel & Drew

Budget Update

  • Good news: OUSD budget cuts to be made centrally and not from school site budgets for now.

  • Bad news: We budgeted $17K from art grants. Peralta did not get these grants this year.

  • Hopeful news: Peralta Rising fund (money received from Indian tribe a few years back). Should we take out money from the Peralta Rising fund? Balance is currently $84K is in CDs. This fund was one of the reasons we did not get art grant. Consensus is to take out some money from Peralta Rising and use towards technology and capital expenses to fill up the hole caused by lack of art grants and other misc. things. Need to get approval at Aug PPTG meeting to add technology and repairs to uses for the fund and to pass budget using $10k this year.

  • Other highlights:

    • Aides will cost more because will be paid through Oakland Ed fund to be legal employees

    • STIP sub costs 4K more than initial budgeted due to benefits/health insurance


  • Only the three K grade classes will get aides this year

  • Will follow up with Giselle and K teachers on which three aides will continue on

Payment for aides; STIB sub’s and coach:

  • STIPs – Coach, Sonia P & Sonia K

  • Ms. Evermen is covered by site budget

  • Ellen & new garden educator (Will Smith) will be paid by PPTG via invoicing

  • We pay Oakland ed-fund and Oakland ed-fund pays for the aides, with standard witholdings

Registration Plan

  • Different registration plan this year

  • Kristel is organizing forms on website

  • Forms for new students

  • Forms for returning students

  • Forms can be printed out / filled and brought to the school for registration or filled in there

  • Use multiple ways to share information flyers: web / printed copies in backpacks / at registration

  • Parents and children can know the classroom / teacher during registration

  • Coach will be heading morning care instead of EBAC providing it. How do we charge? Voluntary contributions for morning care? Christa will help with accounting.

Welcome House Parties

Shannon Tracey is coordinating this, looking for families to host parties at their houses

Peralta Fund

  • Lolo is heading this

  • Have or not have – ice cream party? Alternatives?



Oct. 18, 2017 LC Meeting Minutes

Peralta Fund -

  • We got to 81%!
  • We need to update the ice cream party poster because that's what the kids pay attention to.
  • We are having the ice cream party.  OUSD policy allows for one event a year that isn't focused on healthy snacks.

Walkathon -

  • Co-Chair Scotia Miller reports that air quality is looking good, and we're great on volunteers (we need 12 more adults; 5 more alums).
  • We have enough donated books - they'll be in the garden amphitheater as a lap prize.
  • Food trucks looking good.
  • Fundraising is a little lower than last year.
  • Should we be pushing it more?  An email a day.
  • Lap prizes - T-shirts with the shoe design; pre-filled water bottles (new design).
  • We were slow on donation volunteers this year, so we missed the opportunity to get Whole Foods/Safeway/Trader Joe's fruit donations.
  • But we may try for the $40 that Berkeley Bowl is willing to give annually - for oranges.
  • Thank you to the Co-Chairs - a model for other PPTG events!

Middle School Info Night - tomorrow night

Diversity Dinner - Welcoming Dinner

  • An idea for having a professional photographer to take family photos that can be shared around the school.
  • Posters - let's repaint two of them to indicate "Welcoming Dinner" - "Welcome Dinner"?
  • The committee wants to call everyone to invite them?
  • "Welcome" isn't meant as a comparison to prior years to imply previously unwelcoming.  It's about a welcome environment in light of DACA and other national issues.
  • Collaboration between Diversity Dinner and Racial Social Justice Group; coherent messaging.
  • Maybe there will be a "Power" month in February.

Pumpkin Patch -

  • it's happening!  We had thought it was a donation, but we may have paid in the past.  We'll wait to see if the guy bills us.

K Open House and Tours

  • Fewer tours this year because we realized that other schools don't do as much.


  • The form that went home worked!  A lot of people signed up for things like Salad Bar and other things.


  • It will probably be March 10 at the Humanist Hall (not March 17) - we should tell people the date.  Let's make sure we get confirmation from Humanist.
  • Co-Chairs - Jen and Kiara (5th grade parents).

OUSD Budget Update

  • OUSD has already asked schools to limit spending on supplies, so Ms. Hendrie is planning to order the amount of paper we'll need to make it through the year.

No December or January PPTG Meetings, unless something comes up.  The LC will still meet.