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PPTG Budget

Peralta Parent Teacher Group Budget

Click for the 2023-2024 PPTG Budget

Click for 2022-2023 PPTG Budget

The budget for each year is developed in the Spring (please help by filling out the budget priorities survey) and presented for approval at the first PPTG meeting of the school year.

Expenses – How the budget will be spent

School Support

Mentors/Classroom Aides: In-class support, each kindergarten class has a dedicated aide, the first grade classes share an aide, and there is an aide who works with the 2/3 classrooms. For the 2023-24 school year there will be additional academic support for the 4/5 classrooms.

STIP Substitute: a dedicated substitute teacher who is on campus and able to do math and ELA intervention work when not covering a classroom. This is a significant expense that is sometimes covered by the PPTG and sometimes covered by OUSD.

Student Support: small group tutoring

Wellness & Health Ed: 5th grade puberty education, student support, snacks.

Computer Supplies: Online subscriptions not currently covered by OUSD.

Principal's Fund: Ms. Sudduth’s discretionary fund.

Family Support Grants: Direct emergency support to families. For access, please reach out to Peralta’s Community Schools Manager.

Earthquake/Disaster Preparedness: Replenish expired emergency supplies and purchase any new items needed.

Welcoming Dinner: Support the Dinner, other community building activities.

Teacher Grants: Direct support to teachers.


Art: Weekly classes for students, art supplies, teacher education.

Sports: Coach’s weekly Phys. Ed. class – baseball, wall ball, yoga, freeze tag. While physical education is required under CA education code and an important part of development in elementary school, funding for a dedicated instructor is not provided by OUSD. Without funding from the PPTG for this position, your child’s classroom teacher would be responsible for this instruction.

Music: K-3rd graders sing with local musician Mz. Rhonda and 4-5th graders with Ms. Jill.

Garden Expenses: Garden plants, supplies, garden workday costs, Ms. Claire’s garden classes.

Field Trips: Field trips are a memorable part of the elementary school experience and are completely covered by the PPTG. Past trips have included: Asian Art Museum, the Exploratorium, California Academy of Science, Senior Center, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Coyote Hills, Golden Gate Bridge, Lindsay Wildlife Center, Chabot Space & Science Center.

Student & Teacher Recognition: 5th grade Graduation, Student of the Month awards, staff holiday lunches, and other recognition events.

PPTG Discretionary: Small pilot programs or urgencies, as they arise.




Fundraising – How the budget will be collected



Auction: This evening collects community donations and brings together parents for an evening of socializing (drinks!) and dancing in our only child-free event.

Book Fair: A student favorite, this is small in dollars, mighty in literacy (and scented erasers)!

Peralta in Bloom: We really need all hands on deck to pull off this giant community-building fundraiser (carnival games! cakes!) in the spring.  

Funraisers!: Small, parent hosted events that raise money for Peralta. Examples: backyard movie nights, themed dinner parties, craft workshops, hikes, picnics. Events to build community and help support the school.

Walkathon: Our premier student powered fundraiser, our second largest source of income.

Sales and Small Projects: Friday Coffee & Cups, and Peralta t-shirts all support our mission.

Quilt Raffle: Ellen & the students’ hard work and beautiful art come together to raise funds for the Art program.


Peralta Fund: 70% of all PPTG revenue! Parent donations directly fund enrichment programs and staff for the year. We ask families to consider giving one more month of their pre-K childcare expense, or one month of summer camp. Donations can be spread out over the year, through online automatic monthly deductions.

Corporate Matching: Please, if you can double the impact of your donation through your employer, this is a valuable source of funds! We can help you set this up.

Merchant Donations: A variety of community merchants support Peralta and the PPTG. Shop there and give Peralta cash at the same time.  See for more details.


As our demographics have changed and we’ve lost Title 1 status, our school site is eligible for fewer of these opportunities. Any parents who do have the time, energy and skills to research and apply for grants could make a dramatic impact.



Last updated 12/2/2023